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2. Hattie believed that her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress was...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 2:55 pm
by smkelly
Hattie believed that her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress was going to open doors for her career. Do you think she was being realistic or too naïve?

Re: 2. Hattie believed that her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress was...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2025 3:23 am
by Aimster23
;) Cautiously optimistic is my guess. I just started the book and her perceptions at the awards ceremony spotlight how she is fully aware of the racism on display.

Re: 2. Hattie believed that her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress was...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2025 3:09 pm
by Badhaircutgirl
Whether or not it opened more job opportunities, it opened the door for praise and celebration she deserved. As well as press, which I do think was good for her continuing career. It makes sense for her to be optimistic about it bringing job opportunities and I don't think she was naive.

Re: 2. Hattie believed that her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress was...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:10 pm
by Chay
I believe Hattie was being more optimistic than realistic but I don’t think she was being too naive either… Hattie proved that anything is possible if you believe in yourself (and others believe in you too). Her own belief was that it may not be immediate changes but the little changes over time was worth her hard work and determination.